Notes for using water ring vacuum pump



1. The water ring vacuum pump outlet is generally not connected with the valve. If there is, it must be fully opened before starting

2, without water can not start operation, but the amount of water can not be too much. Water ring vacuum pump is not allowed to be used as water pump

3. If the pump is stopped for too long, the rotor must be dismounted before starting to ensure that it can be started freely

4, mineral hard water in the pump operation easy scaling, should use soft water, if found after scaling, dilute hydrochloric acid can be removed

5, the pump seal surface is not a sealant, maintenance can be used gasoline after cleaning re-coated installation

6, when disassembling the pump, pay attention to remember the docking position of each part, after the bearing body and side cover connection bolts have adjustment washer is not lost, should be installed in situ

7. The packing water supply pipe cannot be directly connected to the water ring water supply pipe, or there will be no water entering the packing seal for cooling and lubrication due to the negative pressure

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